Wednesday, May 19, 2010


There is no life,like graduation.
There is no life,after graduation.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


buses, trains, cars..
nethin' that runs ,
takes me away..
from ppl I love. 

Friday, May 7, 2010


... fast asleep   on  ma terrace (it was a some winter morning and the sun was so(o)  comforting , and the breeze: comforting  indeed.)
... woke up when something  with the light current of air almost glued on ma face, it was a  piece of paper seemed there was an attempt to tear it apart. But somehow the writer’s heart was unwilling so y it was just creased n crumpled..
Dear Naveen,
                                Before I could tell you  the facts about my life I would like to tell you my life witnessed a marvel : its you.  I remember when i lost faith in God. Looking up at the ceiling, I cried my eyes out.. I accused Him for the things that was happening to my life by then ,rather I charged Him from everything to everything.  Before I could educate myself in school , I  was out there learnin’ life’s lesson.
Why do I have to be faithful to Him ?? why do I always set a positive frame?? why can’t I go wrong??  And hence how I lost faith in  all - powerful.
But the very day I met you  , spoke with you , the times I spent with you – all my questions were answered. You - the   guardian  angel , the best surprise He had for me. The one who pulled me out of  melancholy world and hold me in your arms tight enough to let slip the memories  of havin’ a heart full of scars... HE choose you and you approved me.
Everytime  I look deep down into your flawless eyes ,i see the depth of your love but they call into questions :
“ why are you a thinker , an astral dreamer? What lies behind those eyes?? What pain checks  your tears? What’s wrong ? what’s wrong??
I know these stuffs would sound you funny ,and you might say me to have a practical base in life. But I can’t face your silent queries   so why i want you to know everything about me . yes i’m a dreamer – to be with you was the only dream i ever had. .
I just ask for time and patience to read the next few pages.. yet  I know the consequences  - I  love you ...
 “everybody has a past and it depends on the person you share”. When the person is the one you
My sleep  transformed into a desperate thought  of “ what  next”..but that was the only page i was ordained  to read and wonder who could be my guardian angel??