Tuesday, March 10, 2015

You have a GIRL

So what happened, that’s not the end of the world, look at people who have greater problems ,actual problems not just a break up. Was she convincing her friend ,or trying to reorganize her thoughts, analyzing what happened,how she  moved on. It will happen. But again there are so many problems in the world than to get stuck to a thought that you will be loved madly. Not so nice to think so much when her friend was crying her eyes out .She sat their quietly looked at her broken and scared friend.  Scared to live in a world without her so called love who left her? She had nothing to say ,she knew all the things she thinks will not matter now she will again move on ,might repeat the same mistake, it’s all luck. But this can’t be anyone’s actual problem. The problem is when a hungry child can smile.
Rhea Arora, was no ordinary woman. Although,like every child born ,her parents thought she would grow up to someone like them or like her mother.The Arora family never thought of a future but to just go with the flow,unfold the magic of having a child as she grows up. But like a pretty girl ,getting married ,obeying husband,bearing kids. Her Father an Apple orchrad owner in the outskirts of Shimla.The whole family was delighted around her energy.From the time she was three years old, she would sit on the lap of her father as he read the newspaper,he would portray the news the same way he wanted to teach her.

(to be contd…)

Do you?

Do you see the time,how it flies when we are together
Do you hear the songs we like , loop enqueue all  the day
Do you see the wrinkle at  our eyes,when we see each other
Do you remember how we discuss,love is together we stay!

The other side!

The phone started to ring ,it was my father . “Dad,you need to come home,it’s Mom”
I could not hear anything from the other side.  I could hear the sound of his car. I have loved him ever since. That Man has always been the love of my life. He honks and I know its my father. With that amazing smile ,my  old man stands a bit from his scooter ,smiles and waves . And I just rush to him, he drives me  all around, I was the princess.  He told me bedtime stories, stories that I could learn from. 
I could not relate a thing with my mother.At times , I have seen her cook and we eat. I don’t see her smile with us. She is happy with her friends. I always wanted to know if she was the same all her life. But after almost 15 years I gave up knowing her. Many more things worried me in teenage life.
Always in a mystery, to know if she was a good person or bad. So many emotions tucked in. I see her face now , I have to stay my whole life in a mystery what my mother is all about.
My father loved her, I see ladies envy when he is always the obedient husband. When I say always, it is always I have seen.  I was grinded between the emotions of mind  and heart to comprehend who is right.My mother had a graceful smile, where as my old man laughed his heart out.                                                                      
My old man ,his heart broken , he knelt beside her,cried like a baby. It was not new for me. I have seen him cry, cry falling unto her feet once or twice when I was small.
How heartless she might pretend. DENIAL TO REALITY!
My old man hugged me, told me to cry for your mother.

The Message

At NIO. The nurse gave her a tissue, she put her face up.  The nurse filled her eyes with some drops,she was said to sit for 15 minutes in the same position. He was way across reading into the newspaper , staring at her at times . He had no expression on his face that  changed to a wrinkle horror as the eye-drop brought her tears down.

I had to rush back, just rush back. I met cousin Nisha on my way . I told her everything. But she had to ask me “Are you sure?” .I remember her cart wheel within when I broke down the news. She was happy.I wasn’t. She tried her best to convince me. “I am blind” I said and smiled at her.
I knew where I can find him. As I walked down LaneA. I was dragged inside by Maria ,who can notice any soul and bring their inner child out. She danced .Everyone followed “bring out the inner child”. I tried to get my unique moves. The child in me was out there . I asked Maria ,why is he not here? And why the crowd in here less in number and she sure can do much better . She showed me the way as a part of her  unique moves.

The kid was not willing to remember the “E-string”. He struggled with his smile and the kid’s innocence. I pulled a chair. Content,happy and the music  yet so comforting. He is probably gay for anything high pitched,I thought. So ,I am not going to see him anymore.  May be we are just alike, equal  troubles, similar brought up,related pattern of anxiety. Too similar to handle each other and not care to show any of the emotions.
 But I had to leave the place before he gets to know why I was there.
I had to face Maria and her group before my way out. I could still hear them say to bring out the inner child . I was smiling , cause I always have smiled in all those deep moments. Maria and her crowd came in closed  circled and would not let me go without more of  unique moves.  Finally,I managed to get  out of the place and started to walk on Lane A again.
Hearing my name, I turned  to my left. I heard him say something.

Paper People!

We met after good long years. But nothing has changed ever since. Then we were spoilt teenagers figuring out ways to fix ourselves .And now we sit here in our mid twenties taking about our journey so far and days to come.
Do we need someone? All your life you have lived in restriction and suddenly your parents plan for you to marry some stranger. The society is a bit more than hypocrite. And why shouldn’t they be?
Fear of society does keep most of the people in check.  And here we don’t care about society because we didn’t get anything respectable of it. It damaged us bad!
We are ok leaving alone! We will not fall in love unless it is passionate and extra-ordinary, we will not compromise into marrying a person just to adjust and spend the rest of our lives. Money doesn’t worry us, materials don’t attract us. We are not religious but believe in action.
We will run away to places in the world where it is more peaceful and easier than present.  We vent out in studying, writing, traveling and making friends. Friends like us!
We are emotional anchor yet in trance to just let go!

So as my friends leave after the good weekend .  I realized we have been way ahead of our time since forever. Somewhere we wish to be kids again , be a regular person and mix in the society , abide the rules and create the  fear. But we are just not you!